This article is a guide for contributors to the Kingdom Way wiki on understanding how to write content that is appropriate for the wiki.
- If you think anything is missing or unclear in these guidelines, please contact an administrator so we can update them accordingly.
- If you see anything in the wiki that seems inconsistent with these guidelines, try editing it yourself or ask about it in the Discussion area for that page.
Thanks for helping us make this wiki an even better resource for the community!
Be sure to read through the wiki's About page and Vision article to better understand the goals and scope of this wiki. |
This project has an ambitious long-term goal: to become the premier, central source of information for people within the Torah community.[1] Whether or not we are ever able to achieve this, it is a worthy goal to strive for, and one that informs the scope and quality of the wiki's content.
Intended uses of the wiki include:
- Discovery – explore all kinds of useful, edifying or entertaining content from the community.
- Networking – find online and local fellowships and connect with other believers.
- Reference – quickly find passages, information, and helpful external content about biblical topics.
- Learning – learn the fundamentals of salvation, how to study the scriptures, and how you can keep the Torah.
These use cases should be kept in mind while creating content for the wiki.
Initially, the focus will mostly be on the first two use cases, then onto the third, and then the fourth.
Content Scope
While the boundaries of the wiki's scope are somewhat loosely defined, it is not a general purpose wiki about the Bible or Christianity. It is specifically for the things of common interest within the kingdom community.
A few general rules:
- Biblical Topics: it should be related to one of the topics mentioned in Biblical Topics below. Original articles on biblical topics should also be approved by a moderator.
- Lifestyle Topics: it should be related to a topic of common interest within the Torah community (even if it is not strictly Torah or scripture related), or one of the topics mentioned in Lifestyle Topics below.
- External Content: it should either be related to a relevant Biblical Topic or Lifestyle Topic, or be from or about someone in the kingdom community (and fit in with the rest of the content in the wiki).
If there is no existing precedent for a topic, but you think it should be included in the wiki, contact an administrator about it first. If it is approved, it should be added to one of the lists below, and you can start adding pages to the wiki related to that topic (or request for someone else to).
Biblical Topics
- Torah
- Gospel of the kingdom
- Atonement
- Baptism
- Biblical canon
- Biblical cosmography
- Cultural holidays
- Eschatology
- Extrabiblical texts
- Frequently asked questions
- Hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation)
- Lake of fire
- Repentance
- Resurrection
- Salvation
- Sheol
- Torah apologetics
Lifestyle Topics
- Bible study tools
- Community service
- Homeschooling
- Homesteading
- Preparedness
There are certain biblical topics for which the wiki assumes a particular position.
- Core Beliefs are beliefs that are fundamental to the community served by the wiki. All original content, as well as external content linked to in the wiki (relating to biblical topics) is expected to align with these beliefs or it will be rejected.
- Supplemental Beliefs are assumed to be true in original content written for the wiki, but it is expected that not everyone the wiki aims to serve will necessarily agree with all of them, nor all creators of external content that may be linked to from the wiki.
- These beliefs are assumed to be true, rather than being entirely avoided or kept neutral, for the purpose of being able to guide believers toward what the project maintainers view as a reasonable and sound position in absence of an already established belief of their own (to facilitate use case #4 from the Goals section).
- Exception: differing perspectives on these and other topics (outside of the Core Beliefs) are welcomed in "User Perspective" articles, so long as they follow all the other guidelines on this page.
Apart from these topics, other biblical topics with any substantial controversy should generally be kept neutral, except for the inclusion of "User Perspective" articles and external content promoting specific positions (which should ideally be balanced with other content promoting alternative positions).
Discussion of differing perspectives on biblical topics should always be respectful, even if it is on a topic included in the Supplemental Beliefs section.
Neither denigration nor condemnation of other professing believers, either individually or collectively, is permitted in any content on the wiki (including in User Perspective articles), nor in external content included in the wiki related to a person, group or belief.
Core Beliefs
These are the core beliefs that guide the Kingdom Way project.
- YHWH[2] the God of Israel is the one Creator of all things and the only true God.
- Yeshua[3] the Messiah (Jesus Christ), descendant of David from the tribe of Judah, is the son of God.
- Yeshua is the prophesied Savior, High Priest and King of God's people Israel. He lived among us sinlessly, died for us selflessly, and lives on eternally, having risen from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven.
- Forgiveness of sins and eternal life is offered freely to all people of all nations, through Christ as the mediator of mankind, if they should choose to repent of their sin and commit themselves to Christ and walking in His commandments.
- The commandments of God are eternal, unchanging, and generally applicable[4] to all who profess faith in the Father and His Son. The Son's teachings during His ministry were in perfect harmony with all of YHWH's commandments.
- All of the 12 apostles as recorded in the New Testament, as well as the apostle Paul, were servants of God ordained by Christ as ministers of the gospel.
- All of the writings of the prophets and of the apostles in what are commonly called the Old and New Testament are the authentic writings of the respective men of God under the inspiration of His spirit, and are suitable for sound doctrine and revelation of the truth of the Almighty.
Supplemental Beliefs
- Premillennial eschatology: the second coming of Christ and millennial reign of Christ on the earth are literal, future events.
- Grafted-in theology: all believers in Christ become part of the family of Abraham and the nation of Israel by faith, inheriting the covenant and promises of Israel; the New Testament church is not a separate body of believers.
- Covenant Israel: one is a member of the true Israel by walking in covenant with the God of Israel, and not by tribal descent.
- Conditional security: salvation is fully realized upon resurrection to immortality. Anyone in covenant with God is saved presently in that they are destined to be raised to immortality, barring any choice of their own during their life to forsake the God who gives it (and never return to Him).
- Mortalism: upon death, believers and unbelievers await either the first resurrection or the final judgement, respectively, and do not go to heaven nor the lake of fire immediately.
- Land inheritance: Believers are promised to inherit the earth at the resurrection, and do not go to heaven as their eternal dwelling.
- Monogamy: Men were created to have one wife, and women to have one husband.
- Antinomian ignorance: while observance of the commandments is limited in many Christian denominations and faith traditions, most are not truly antinomian (against the notion of laws and obedience). Even if out of ignorance they don't keep all of the commandments, if they are a genuine believer in Christ seeking to obey to the extent of their knowledge, then they should be treated as a brother or sister.
- Divine names/titles: The English name Jesus is neither wrong nor ineffective to refer to Yeshua[3] the Son of God. Nor are English words such as "Lord" or "God" heretical in any way.
- ↑ For the purposes of the Kingdom Way wiki, the Torah community refers to believers in the Messiah who are returning to the gospel of the kingdom and observance of the Torah as part of living out their faith.
- ↑ Pronounced Yahuah or Yahweh, among other variations
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Also pronounced Yahusha, among other variations
- ↑ Certain commands may not apply to someone because they are inherently limited in their scope, such as commands specific to men or women.